Our Team

Mark Willis


Mark Willis


Mark Willis is the Director of the Hall Hunger Initiative. Before coming to the HHI, he worked as Assistant to Montgomery County Commissioner Judy Dodge and previously served as Community Relations Manager at Dayton Metro Library. He’s also co-founder of the literacy coalition Project READ and is currently on the board for the Gem City Market and Agraria Center for Regenerative Practice. He has served as a volunteer for the suicide prevention center and as a youth soccer coach. He also plays old-time baseball at Carillon Park with the Dayton Clodbusters. Mark graduated from Wright State University with a degree in Communication.


Alexandra Klug


Alex previously served as Outreach Director for Agraria Center for Regenerative Practice, working with community partners to increase regional application of regenerative farming methods. She has also worked with Homefull leading their on-the-farm vocational training program, and for the Foodbank, Inc. developing their first urban ag production space.

She has volunteered with the Feminist Health Fund and BW Greenway, and works seasonally as an easement monitor for Tecumseh Land Trust. Alex has a B.S. in Agricultural Science and Permaculture Design and was proud to participate in the EPA Region 5’s first Environmental Justice Academy.


Sam Trajcevski


Samantha has joined HHI with her shared interest in fighting hunger in America. She is currently a junior at the University of Dayton with a major in Urban Sustainability and minors in Sociology and Human Rights. Samantha’s education has led her to conduct research with the Hanley Sustainability Institute alongside her assistance at the Hall Hunger Initiative. Her research seeks to understand perceptions towards community gardens in lower socio-economic areas and will in turn build a green space for the Dayton View Triangle Neighborhood. In the past she has worked with the University of Dayton Office of Learning Resources to take notes that aid students with learning disabilities.


Amanda Duprey Hernandez


Amanda Duprey Hernandez, originally from Puerto Rico, moved to Yellow Springs from Philadelphia. She graduated from Temple University with a bachelor’s in global security focusing on human security. Formerly the production farmer at Agraria, her journey in food justice began after she authored different papers on food insecurity- including her senior capstone on the food sovereignty movements in Puerto Rico post-hurricane Maria. Amanda was an AmeriCorps Vista working to increase food security in the Miami valley region. Amanda continues her support for food justice through her work with the Hall Hunger Initiative.

Learn more about Hall Hunger Initiative