April 5, 2024: Fundraiser raises $20,000 for Famine Relief in Gaza

Friday, April 5, 2024

7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Islamic Center of Centerville
10501 Success Lane, Washington Township, Ohio 45458

Thanks to strong partners and a generous community, the Fundraiser for Famine Relief in Gaza raised $20,000! As Ambassador Hall said in his recorded comments:

“Through the World Food Program USA and the Palestine American Medical Association, you’ll be getting desperately needed food to these people. But you’re giving them more than food. You’re giving them hope. You’re telling them that they’re not forgotten, that people on the other side of the world care about them. That people of all faiths came together to make sure that they’re remembered. A little food and a lot of hope mean more to these people than you will ever know. Thank you for caring and making a difference.”

Special thanks go to event partners, including Dayton Arab American Forum, Dayton Sister City Committee, Hall Hunger Initiative, Hope Collective Church, International Peace Museum, Islamic Center of Centerville, Islamic Council of Dayton, MAZU restaurant, Palestinian American Medical Association, The Interfaith Center at Miami University, University of Dayton’s Human Rights Center and World Food Program USA. Thank you to all who supported this effort!

Ambassador Hall shares his experience and thoughts on Gaza in a Local Voices column in the April 24, 2024, issue of the Dayton Daily News. (see article below)

Proceeds will be split between the UN World Food Program (US) and the Palestinian American Medical Association (PAMA).


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